Rangdong Township

The town has more than 200 garment processing enterprises, 6,690 individual processing households, with 62 independent brands, an annual turnover of more than 5 billion yuan, the annual output value of the garment processing industry 1.5 billion yuan; the town's implementation of the construction of the "three cities and a park" project in the past three years, attracting more than 1,300 merchants to operate in the garment city, the garment industrial park will also drive More than 200 processing enterprises and processing households are stationed. At present, the town operates more than 900 e-commerce stores, with annual sales of more than 30 million yuan, and Rangdong Zhongshan clothing and leather pants e-commerce sales of the country's first.


Quliang Town Yufa Milan Town

It is a key construction project in Henan Province, located in Xinmi New District (Xinmi City Industrial Cluster), the project covers a total area of 15,000 mu, with a planned construction area of about 10 million square meters and an estimated total investment of about 50 billion yuan. With the core of garment industry development, nucleating garment R&D, production and warehousing, the future project is dedicated to building garment fabric and accessories trading, garment exhibition and sales, e-commerce trading platform, etc., becoming the only fashion highland in Henan and even in the country to realize the whole industry chain of garment upstream and downstream. With 1.2 million square meters, Milan Town has attracted more than 200 garment and upstream and downstream supporting enterprises, all of which have an annual output value of more than 10 million and can provide more than 30,000 jobs every year. Among them, there are more than ten enterprises with annual output value of more than 100 million, such as the first brand of Henan electric business women's clothing, fashionable women's clothing, and the first brand of Henan hotel workwear, such as Yiyan Tang.


Taizian County Industrial Cluster

Taizian County Industrial Cluster is located in the southwest of the new city of Taizian County, Beijing-Kowloon Railway, Jin-Yulu Railway, Tang-Tai Railway, three railroad intersection closed circle, respectively, Taizian Station, Taizian North Station, Taizian West Station, May 2016 expansion planning was approved by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the planning area expanded from 6 square kilometers to 17.57 square kilometers, has won the "Henan Province, the most Innovative Industrial Cluster", "5 Years of Industrial Cluster Construction in Henan Province - Golden Star Award for the Most Competitive Industry Business Card", "Golden Star Award for the Most Competitive Industry Cluster in Henan Province ""National Foreign Trade Transformation and Upgrading Professional Demonstration Base", "Down and Garment Export Processing Base of Henan Province", "High Quality Down Production Base" and many other honorary titles.

Taizian County Industrial Cluster now has four standardized parks, such as Business Park, Feitian Down Industrial Park, Motor Vehicle Parts Industrial Park, Down and Garment Processing Industrial Park. Among them, the business park covers an area of 68.3 acres, the construction of standardized plant 8, office building 1, building area of 11644 square meters, mainly for the incubation of small and medium-sized enterprises, currently in the incubation of 6 enterprises. Feitian down industrial park covers an area of 280 mu, the construction of 14 standardized plants, construction area of 90,000 square meters, annual washing capacity of 30,000 tons of feathers, high-quality down production capacity of 6,000 tons, 8 enterprises have been settled into operation. Down and clothing processing industrial park covers an area of 298.9 acres, with an investment of 1.25 billion yuan.


Henan Garment Export Base in Economic Development Zone

The building scale of Henan Garment Export Base is 200,000 square meters of factory buildings and 80,000 square meters of supporting facilities. The park plans various facilities such as textile and garment building, scientific research base, customized workshop, standard workshop and talent apartment. Public service platforms such as R&D and testing center, training center, tailoring center, display center, incubation center, designer studio and e-commerce center are built. At present, the lifting and exterior wall panels of 20 factory buildings have been completed, the overall installation of windows is 50%, and the B1 and A3 model rooms have basically reached the delivery conditions.

Henan garment export base project is expected to be occupied by 8 enterprises, respectively, the high-grade warp knitting fabric project invested by China Embroidery Group with an investment of about 3 billion yuan, the industrial transfer project invested by Nanjing Chemical Fiber with an investment of 1 billion yuan, the sportswear production base project invested by Calmax China Ltd. with an investment of 300 million yuan, the knitted fabric production base project invested by Dongguan Zhengyi Textile Co. Ltd. invested 200 million yuan in high-grade clothing processing and production projects, Fumei Group invested 100 million yuan in the Fumei hat production base project, Jiaxing New Day Marriage Clothing Co.


Changwon Professional Dress Town

Occupational clothing production has a long history and is famous throughout the country, and the whole industrial chain of design-production-sales is basically sound, with as many as 500 large and small garment processing factories and workshops in the city, and more than 20,000 employees engaged in garment processing, mainly producing medical clothing such as nurses' uniforms, doctors' uniforms, first-aid clothing and food processing clothing and construction, factories, anti-corrosion engineering and other general workwear, There are also anti-static, flame retardant and other protective series of clothing with high technical content, and undertake foreign trade processing services. In addition to the many production enterprises, there are garment fabrics, accessories market, with a more complete fabric, accessories, production, sales and to undertake foreign trade orders and other comprehensive services of the garment industry chain.

The location of the project is selected from the center of Wulitun, east to Central Road, south to Boyu Road, west to Sixth Street and north to Great Wall Avenue. The first phase of the project covers an area of about 1200 mu, with a total investment of about 1.5 billion yuan and a total construction area of about 500,000 square meters, and is planned and designed by the China Academy of Architecture Planning and Design. The project relies on the technology, R&D and resource advantages of China Garment Association and Henan Garment Association, the capital advantages of China National Land Group and the industrial advantages of Changyuan, and implements the construction form of "technology R&D + special industry + cultural tourism development + industry-city integration + interconnection sharing". Up to now, 10 standard factory buildings of 70,000 square meters and comprehensive service center in the standard factory area of No.4 and No.5 have been completed, and 6 enterprises have been invested in the town. Among them, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 building decoration all completed, professional clothing town exhibition hall, industrial workers training center, industrial development center intelligent manufacturing - integration of innovation exhibition hall, workers restaurant has been put into use, Xinxiang Huayuan protection God Limited, Zhengzhou Yiyan Tang clothing Co. Ltd. signed the agreement, and is currently installing equipment and recruiting workers.


Xinye County Textile and Garment Industry Chain

In accordance with the development idea of "upgrading spinning, fabric, printing and dyeing, terminal development and branding", Xinye County has created a textile and garment industry cluster with Xinfang Company and Luomeng Garment as the leader and 62 enterprises as the group. At present, Xinye County has 43 textile and garment enterprises on the scale of 2 million spindles, 220 million meters of fabric, and 10 million pieces of garments, ranking first in the province and top 20 in the country in cotton textile scale. In 2021, the county's textile and garment enterprises above the size of the output value of 9.6 billion yuan, to achieve a profit tax of 260 million yuan.

At present, Xinye has brought together a number of leading backbone enterprises with large scale, good efficiency and strong competitiveness, such as Xinfang Company, Henan Romeng Garment Company, Huaxing Science and Technology Company, Peng Sheng Textile Company, Kangda Textile Company and Good News Clothing Company. Backbone enterprises to launch new projects, large projects, but also to drive the further transformation and upgrading of the textile and garment industry in Xinye. Such as the new spinning company built a total investment of 500 million yuan of 120,000 spindles of intelligent spinning production line, a total investment of 750 million yuan of 30,000 tons of high-grade knitted fabric production line and a total investment of 56.35 million yuan of clothing fabric production line technology reform, a total investment of 120 million yuan of spinning production line technology reform project; Huaxing Technology and Innovation Company added 250,000 spindles of special yarn, 500 sets of air-jet loom project, has a new 60,000 spindles of special yarn and 410 sets of high-grade air-jet looms, 60,000 spindles of intelligent yarn project is under construction; Peng Sheng company "retreat into the park" project has been relocated 65,000 spindles, 30,000 new spindles, 30 sets of large circular looms and 2 million pieces of high-grade clothing production line, etc.


Xiping Rayon Clothing New City

In recent years, Xiping County, Henan Province has planned 5.31 square kilometers of the new city of johnny garment - Zhishang Industrial Park, the new city is divided into six functional divisions, including Zhishang Industrial Park, which is mainly for small and micro enterprises to move in quickly, large factory area, logistics and distribution center, commercial center, CBD R&D center and industrial workers district, etc., positioning to build a bearing place for the transfer of garment industry, a demonstration place for supply chain value enhancement and an IoT + smart manufacturing base. It is positioned to be a bearing place for garment industry transfer, a demonstration place for supply chain value enhancement and a base for Internet of Things + intelligent manufacturing, and strives to cultivate the local garment industry into a 10-billion-level industrial cluster. At present, more than 40 enterprises have settled in, employing more than 2,800 people. The picture shows that in the workshop of the park, more than 400 workers are working on more than 20 production lines.


Yubei Textile Industrial Park

Yubei Textile Industrial Park is located in the north of Anyang City, Henan Province, east of National Highway 107, covering an area of more than 200 acres, with a total construction area of 150,000 square meters. More than 400 merchants are stationed there, and the annual output value is expected to exceed 100 million yuan, generating profits and taxes of more than ten million, making it a comprehensive industrial park integrating underwear processing and sales.


Henan Province Textile and Garment Industry Base

Xinzheng Textile and Garment Industrial Park is a provincial key industrial gathering area led by textile and garment industry, with an overall design scale of 1 million spindles for spinning, 40 million pieces of garment processing and an annual sales revenue of 10 billion yuan. It is a modern characteristic industrial park integrating textile, garment, shoes and trade logistics.


Henan Hongmin Textile Industry Cluster

The total investment of Hongmin Textile Cluster project is 10 billion RMB, the total scale of construction is 600,000 spindles cotton spinning, 600,000 spindles chemical fiber spinning; 2,000 sets of air-jet, 6,000 sets of water-jet weaving, 1.8 million meters of daily output dyeing and finishing, 20,000 workers scale garment processing, 10,000 workers scale shoe making, providing 50,000 jobs. Textile cluster to create a complete industrial chain for the purpose of taking the road of intensive development, vigorously introducing domestic well-known textile enterprises, focusing on the development of spinning, spinning, textile, printing and dyeing finishing, clothing, shoe manufacturing, leather, market center, logistics center industrial chain.


Fugu textile and garment industry cluster

Fugou textile industry to "innovation, optimization, upgrading, leading" as the core, to "grow the scale, industry support, leading drive, brand building, complementary chain strong chain" as the focus, the construction of printing and dyeing industrial park as a grasp, adhere to the excellent stock and expand the amount of growth, seeking speed and increase efficiency, strengthen We will strengthen investment, enhance innovation, support project construction, promote agglomeration development, create industrial clusters, build a new system of modern textile and garment industry with outstanding demonstration and leading, obvious industrial drive, optimized structure, industrial upgrading and reasonable layout.

At present, the textile and garment industry cluster in Fugou County has 27 enterprises above the scale, with a spinning capacity of 800,000 spindles, a shoe-making capacity of 10 million pairs, and an annual garment processing capacity of 18 million sets. A preliminary and complete industrial chain of cotton storage and logistics, cotton processing, spinning and weaving, dyeing and finishing, and garment processing (shoe-making) has been formed to achieve resource sharing and intensive and economical utilization. By 2022, the scale of the textile and garment industry in Fugou County strives to achieve 1.2 million spindles of spinning, 12 million pairs of shoes, 22 million sets of garments, and a main business income of more than 15 billion yuan.


Shengtai Haobang Textile Industrial Park

Shengtai Haobang Textile Industrial Park located in Shangshui Economic Development Zone is a large comprehensive production base integrating cotton spinning, fabric, printing and dyeing, garment, import and export trade, and multinational production and operation. Shengtai Haobang Textile Industrial Park project is expected to invest 482,500,000 yuan, land acquisition of about 2,000 acres, the project can achieve an annual operating income of 11.8 billion yuan after reaching production, the tax revenue of about 600 million yuan At present, the No. 1 and No. 2 garment workshops in Shengtai Haobang Textile Industrial Park have been completed and put into operation, the existing staff of about 1,500 people, with an annual output of 20 million pieces of high-grade garments; No. 5 knitting workshop has also been put into operation, with an annual output of 12 No.5 knitting workshop has also been put into production, with an annual output of 12,000 tons of high-grade knitted fabrics.


Taikang County Textile and Garment Industry Cluster Industrial Park

From "manufacturing" to "intellectual manufacturing", Taikang textile and garment industry has realized the transmutation of the cluster from small to large, from weak to strong, from scattered to clustered. The total area of the cluster is 23.35 square kilometers, and the built-up area is 18.3 square kilometers with 213 projects. Based on the advantages of human resources and the foundation of textile industry, Taikang County has made great efforts to cultivate textile and garment industry clusters, continuously extended and strengthened the chain, guided the clusters to scale, brand and cluster development, realized the transmutation of clusters from small to large, from weak to strong, from scattered to clustered, formed "national influential production line of differentiated yarn and elastic fabric The cluster effect such as "national influential differentiated yarn and elastic fabric production line" has been formed. Up to now, Taikang County textile and garment industry cluster has settled 83 enterprises, the scale of textile in production and under construction reaches 1.76 million spindles, the scale of air-jet, water-jet and circular loom reaches 10,000 sets, and the annual processing capacity of garment reaches 600 million pieces.


Rangdong Town Textile and Garment Industrial Park

Rangdong Town Garment Industrial Park has invested 260 million yuan, covering an area of 63.38 acres, and built 16 standardized workshops, each with 5 floors and a total construction area of about 100,000 square meters, which can accommodate 68 garment processing enterprises. It has unified planning and construction of water, electricity, roads, information, communication and other infrastructure, and unified provision of public services such as warehousing, logistics and logistic support.


Anyang Textile Industry Cluster

Anyang Textile Industry Cluster is located in the outer ring of Anyang City, with a planning area of 9.2 square kilometers, and is one of the first 180 industrial clusters approved by the provincial government to enjoy the preferential policies of provincial industrial clusters. There are four main roads and several secondary roads with "two vertical and two horizontal", west of 107 National Road and Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, east of Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, with convenient transportation and obvious location advantages, and 56 enterprises have been gathered. In December 2007, Anyang City was awarded the title of "Famous City of Knitted Garment in China" by China Textile Industry Association.


Tianmao Industrial Park

"China's famous textile city to see Anyang, children's clothing town to see Parkview." A sentence can be seen in Anyang City, textile and children's clothing in the industry's advantages. Located in the town of Baizhuang, Tianmao Industrial Park is also a textile enterprise strongly supported by Anyang County. Building area of 50,000 square meters, can accommodate more than 1,100 households, can solve more than 10,000 jobs, annual profits and taxes up to 88 million yuan.


Huayu Textile Industrial Park

Huayu Textile Industrial Park is located in Anyang, Henan, the birthplace of Oracle and the ancient capital of seven dynasties, close to Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, National Highway 107 and Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, with unique transportation advantages. It is the first textile industrial park in Central China that integrates lingerie, garment production and trade, and has the highest construction standard and the most development potential in northern Henan.

Huayu Textile Industrial Park is a key project of the municipal government in 2003, covering an area of 165 mu, with a total investment of 200 million yuan and a construction area of 130,000 m2, including: 28 standardized workshops with a construction area of 110,000 m2; 1 modernized garment exhibition center with a construction area of 20,000 m2. Since the park was put into use in 2006, it has achieved good social and economic benefits, and is now home to more than 100 children's underwear More than 100 manufacturers, including 50 extraterritorial enterprises, have attracted investment of 60 million yuan, with an occupancy rate of 100% and employment of more than 6,000 people. The leading products of the park are children's knitted underwear (0-6 years old), which are sold to more than 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China. Merchants production and sales, dealers from all over the country gathered in the park, the product demand exceeds supply, the industry gathering effect is very obvious, has become the country's larger children's knitted underwear processing production base. "Huayu" as a group brand of the national knitting processing enterprises gradually formed, the value of its intangible assets continue to climb.


Pazhuang Industrial and Trade Underwear City

Bazhuang lingerie industry and trade park responsible person introduced, merchants in the early stage of business, most of them are OEM processing production, now there are more than 30 merchants in the provincial industry and commerce department has registered their own brand trademarks. For example, "Wang Beier", "Southland Acacia", "Xuyang", "Sheng Ao", etc., merchants are committed to building brands, improve competitiveness, to the brand to benefit. Small workshops have become decent factories, and products have been upgraded, from low-grade to mid-grade, and there are many brand products; underwear styles, colors, and styles are all over the place, giving consumers more choice; there are more varieties, including autumn clothes and pants, men's and women's suits, multi-layer thermal underwear sets, high, medium and low-grade cotton sweaters and pants, super-soft worsted underwear, all kinds of men's and women's stretch undershirts, trunks, flat-footed pants, lace pants, and women's pants, There are all kinds of children's wear, casual underwear and cultural shirts, etc. There are more than 10 varieties for small households and dozens of varieties for large households.

Here not only sell local underwear, but also sell foreign goods. Products are not only autumn clothes and pants, men's and women's suits, cultural shirts, sweatshirts, as well as baby underwear and fashion, etc., a full range. Products are not only sold to Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Guangxi, Heilongjiang, etc., but also entered the international market, such as: Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.


Yubei Lingerie City

Yubei Lingerie City is a specialized market in Central Plains that integrates the production and sales of lingerie, with more than 200 lingerie manufacturers, companies and corresponding supporting manufacturers, located in the ancient capital of Anyang, where the five provinces of Jin, Hebei, Lu and Yu meet, leaning east on the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, west on the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and facing the 107 National Road, with convenient and superior traffic conditions. At present, the daily output of various knitted underwear can reach 150,000 pieces, and the products are sold in more than 40 provinces and regions in China, and some of them are sold abroad. The products include cotton wool, sweat cloth, elastic, warm, sanitary shirts and pants, t-shirts, cultural shirts, cotton + Lycra and other eight series of more than 40 varieties, including the generation of "Yi Zhi Yuan" "Jin Yi Lai" "Xin's beauty ""Color God", "Color Ying", "Yiliya", "Jie Mei" "winter and summer" "red chest bird" "Yibor" "Huayu" and more than ten trademark brands, by the majority of consumers loved by consumers.


Pazhuang Textile Industrial Park

Pazhuang Textile Industrial Park is located 10 kilometers north of Anyang city, within the territory of Pazhuang town, planning from Yuanjing Road in the north, south to the border of Beiguan District, west to National Highway 107, and east to Anxin Road. The park is 3.5 kilometers long from north to south and 4 kilometers wide from east to west, with a planned area of 18,000 mu. At present, the park takes the Bozhuang market as the main platform, and the Bozhuang market is located on both sides of the Bozhuang section of National Highway 107, which has formed a market pattern of "4+2", namely: 4 professional wholesale markets, such as the old market, the new market, the new East market and the new market; 2 lingerie processing industrial and trade parks, such as the Youth Industrial and Trade Park and the Bozhuang Lingerie City. The four professional wholesale markets have 1,930 stalls, 1,466 households, 6,400 employees, and an annual turnover of 2.34 billion yuan; the lingerie processing industry and trade park has 455 sets of storefronts, 455 processing households, 6,800 employees, and an annual turnover of 1.64 billion yuan. The market is surrounded by 6 limited enterprises, 615 enterprises with assets of less than 5 million, 8 consignment stations and 310 catering services. The key projects stationed in the park are: Changtai Company, Changtai Jiaxin Dyeing and Finishing Garment Company, Henan Tianyu Technology Textile Company, Chengyun Logistics Park, Hangzhou Yixiangnan Company Women's Clothing Project, etc.


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